What does the film True Grit, the tv series The Wire and the books of Harry Potter have in common?
The law of course!
I have just spent two full days at the Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives Conference in Tilburg, Netherlands where I was surrounded by the rock stars of law and pop culture scholarship!
In a setting where I didn't have to explain that my research is actually legitimate before presenting my ideas, inspiration for future projects abounded.
My paper was a focus on the nature of retributive desire in both pop culture and personal ideas of justice, and I was inspired to think further about something that has popped up before in this blog - the idea of revenge.
As part of my paper I showed a clip from Arrow - the latest superhero to grace Australian screens and I've included it here as a teaser for more posts from me about this topic.....
As one person commented in a previous post: where does justice end and revenge begin?? This has become my new project......any thoughts?